This blog is the work of John Stephenson. John was a student of Joel Goldsmith and he teaches Infinite Way principles. He’s been asked why he uses the Infinite Way name. Why not come up with a different name for his work? The reason is that the principles he teaches are Infinite Way principles. They are the principles he was taught, and they work. If you’ve been taught by a master you honor that relationship and carry on the work.
Every generation builds on what has been passed on to it. Principles may be ageless, but they are applied and experienced anew by today’s students. The truth doesn’t change, but an individual’s realization of that truth comes through applying spiritual principles to our current world. To do this we use today’s tools of communication. So we have a blog, a web site, and we are on Facebook – all for the purpose of making the mystical relevant and accessible to those interested in this way of life. If we don’t share what we’ve been given then we deny our spiritual destiny.
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