The Truth About Supply

With the world economic crisis dominating the news recently now is the perfect opportunity for spiritual students to get to work and bring into consciousness the truth about supply. How do we do this, and can we be effective on a global level?  I think we can if we apply the healing principles we know to the appearance of instability around the world, and to the belief that in these hard times we must pull back and accept limitation.

As always, we begin our work by contemplating the truth about God.  What do we know of God and what constitutes the world in which we live?  If we see the world as material, filled with people holding conflicting beliefs and ideas; a world rife with fear about what will happen next, a world of storms and draughts, famines and riots, and if we accept those appearances as real, we are hypnotized, and in that state will be unable to see the spiritual reality behind the worldly appearances.  As we contemplate the nature of God we begin to dissolve the appearances that have been imbued with power and bring into consciousness the truth about the world, and the truth about life on this planet.

In reminding ourselves about the nature of God two great pillars come to mind, oneness and omnipotence.  To realize the oneness of God is to include all that exists as a manifestation of God – not necessarily in its appearance, but in its spiritual reality.  God is the substance of all form.  That is the truth.  We can ask ourselves, “Are we seeing the truth when we accept the appearances of good and evil, fear and greed?”  Is what we see in the struggles of this world an activity of God or are they projections of universal beliefs, concepts, and fears?  As we answer these questions from our developed spiritual sense, we see that God does not function in the conceptual world.  We realize that we will not solve world problems on the level of the problem.  This kind of contemplation will move us away from the appearance and eventually toward stillness.  We remind ourselves that God cannot be conceived humanly, so we don’t try.  We know that God is infinite and invisible, so we stop trying to put God in a conceptual box.  We know that God has no opposite, and it dawns on us that there is nothing to change, nothing to fight, and nothing to do if we are going to dwell in the presence of God.  We realize that this state of no-thing-ness is omnipotent.  So here we are, in a state of oneness with all creation yet not identifying with any projection of the appearance world.  This brings with it a state of stillness that is all-powerful.

Now we are children of God, joint-heirs to all the heavenly riches.  Without looking out to the appearance world, these riches come into our consciousness from the infinite invisible.  They have always been within, but without a realization of oneness, we are unaware of them.  And since these riches are spiritual, they are not confined to material concepts.  They appear as our daily manna – the wisdom to make the right decision, the assurance that now is the only time and that future projections are illusions.  Our true wealth is our conscious awareness of the presence of God, through which good manifests tangibly in our lives.  So now where are we in the world?  Markets may rise and fall but my supply is the outpouring of Grace that is an endless resource within.  My work is about expressing my inner resources in love and compassion, not about earning a living.  And the Source of this work is spiritual, not dependent upon any man.  This is God’s life and wherever I find myself is the place where Spirit can flow.  I may be on the trading floor of Wall Street or serving food to the homeless.  It is all the activity of God if I am in a state of oneness.  My needs will always be met living this way.

As we go deeper into our realization of oneness we go deeper into the nature of supply.  The material concept of supply is that something comes to me, that supply is the fruit of my labors, or it might be an inheritance, or it might come in the form of gifts or charity.  If we see supply as something that comes to us, whatever form it takes, it is a material concept, and we can lose it.  When we shift our perspective and realize that supply is an activity of God, we take it out of the realm of duality and experience the consciousness of “I have.”  The “I have” state of consciousness comes from a realization of oneness.  It is the realization that giving and withholding do not exist in oneness.  “All that the Father has is thine.”  It is that state of awareness that says, “I have meat ye know not of.”  But there is a greater realization of supply that comes in the deep stillness where there is no sense of separation between you and God; there is only One.  In that consciousness you realize you are supply.  You are the “meat, the bread and the wine” because in seeing yourself you see that which is your substance, your alpha and omega, the completeness that constitutes creation.  That is the state of now.  There is no process in that consciousness, only realization.

How does this affect the world?  If we go back to the principle of oneness, every individual realization of the presence of God is a universal spiritual activity.  The realization takes place in individual consciousness but the activity of that realization breaks down universal hypnotic attraction to the appearances of this world.  Someone, somewhere, at your moment of realization, may suddenly think the fear and craziness of human events so absurd that they lose their fear of the appearance world and gain a perspective into the spiritual.  That loss of fear, or that disconnect to the appearance world opens the individual to spiritual reality.  You may never know how your meditations touch the world, but be assured, every time you break through the hypnotism of material appearances – appearances that are sometimes good and sometimes evil but always erroneous – you participate in lifting human consciousness out of its limitations.

So here is your method for rising out of the hypnotism of financial limitations, whether it is personal, national or global.  Begin by detaching yourself from the appearance.  You do this by removing any person from the equation.  If there is a person or situation you can blame for your problem – or your country’s problem or the world’s problem – you are enmeshed in the problem and won’t be able to solve it spiritually.  The way you impersonalize is by withdrawing judgment.  You can judge no person culpable or responsible for what you or the country is experiencing if you want to be free of the current hypnotism.  You can release your judgment and release the people you have judged through forgiveness.  To experience the riches of your spiritual inheritance you cannot give power to any person, or condition, or situation that exists in the appearance realm.  What you see in this world – the fear, the anger, and the blame – is limited to the belief that there is power in matter or material circumstance.  So by forgiving, impersonalizing and withdrawing judgment from the appearance world you have withdrawn any power it might have over you.

Withdrawing power from the world of effect is the secret to maintaining your spiritual connection.  We are hypnotized out of our true self by accepting power in material effect.  You can’t have power in matter and power in God.  God is omnipotent, so if you are seeing power struggles in the world and accept them as real, you are hypnotized into living a lie.  The moment you see through the lie you experience your developed spiritual consciousness.  The less you react to worldly appearances the greater your detachment will be.  Your perception of this world will be like an observer to a grand drama.  You will see the fear, the anxiety, and the suffering as part of the drama, not part of life.  The life you live is an activity of God; therefore all the characteristics of God flow through you.  There is no fear in God, so you walk through the evils of this world fearlessly.  There is no lack in God so you live an abundant life.  There is no suffering in God, so every problem you face is resolved in peace and love.

This is the spiritual way of life; to be in the world but not of it.  It requires your complete attention.  The lazy are easily hypnotized, and if you find yourself accepting power in the belief of good and evil, your remedy is to step back, center yourself on God, and look the beast in the face without fear.  Error once seen is two thirds destroyed and the other third destroys itself as long as you don’t get into the battle.  Your safety, your wealth, and your wellbeing are manifested in your life in proportion to your realization of the oneness of God.  So go forth in quietness and confidence and be that consciousness of peace, wholeness, and abundance to yourself, to those in your life, to your country – indeed to the whole world.


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